Who loves a personality test?

I’m a big believer in reflecting, basically thinking about what you’re thinking about!

It sounds like a good way to procrastinate (which it is) but the more you know yourself, the easier it is to decide what direction to take – in life and in business.

They help you understand your own motivations and values, because these are things that are deep within us and it’s difficult to ask those questions of yourself and answer them.

So here’s my top picks for figuring out who you are and what you want!

1. Truity.com

I love this site as it provides both free and paid versions and spookily accurate results!

2. Human Design – The bodygraph test

This may feel a bit woo woo but finding out that I was a “manifesting generator” made so much sense and made me realise that some of my “procrastination” wasn’t always such a bad thing!

3. Cerries Mooney The Archetype Test.

Cerries says this is not a personality test, it’s a deep dive into who you really are!

4. Weatlh Dynamics

This is a bit pricy at $97 but it was one of the first ones that I took and really started me on my obsession with them!

5. My Creative Type by Adobe

Spot on – I’m a dreamer and need to balance that with discipline (sigh!)

6. Jennifer Kem’s Aim Archetypes

I love this for insight into my brand and how I want to show up.

Let me know how you get on with them,


Karrie xx